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We are changing our Open Table activities in response to the Covid19 pandemic. Keep up to date by following @OpenTableSGE on twitter.
This is a growing ministry of St George’s, building community with parishioners who are homeless and vulnerably housed. We go out every Monday night with a pop-up table between the two Shadwell stations, sharing food and fellowship with homeless parishioners. Once a month, there is also a fellowship meal in church (usually the second Monday of the month).
We meet to pray on Thursdays from 7pm, with Mass and a volunteer check-in on the first Thursday of the month, extended worship (“The Worship Table”) on the second Thursday, and Mass followed by the meeting of our community organising team (“The Action Table”) on the third Thursday.
Every Sunday, we serve breakfast from 9.30am (“The Breakfast Table”) until the Parish Mass. On the last Sunday, this is a full cooked breakfast - and means there is usually plenty for brunch after the service too.
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